Get A Good Nights Sleep...

>> Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Insomnia cure through Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is a simple cure for sleep disorders. Hypno - is the Greek word for sleep. You can learn to hypnotise yourself with self hypnosis and enjoy a peaceful natural sleep. With the help of self-hypnosis and meditation CD's you can finally enjoy a good nights sleep.

What is insomnia?

Does it take you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep?

Do you wake up at about 2 o'clock in the morning and can't get back to sleep?

Do you feel groggy and lethargic at different times during the day and especially when you have just woken up?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you suffer from, along with 60% of the world's population, a sleep disorder called insomnia.

This disorder not only deprives you of the essential physical and mental rest that we need each day but you deny yourself the most important part of your 24 cycle and that is deep or somnambulistic sleep. It is during this part of the sleep cycle that you would produce the 'Delta' brain wave. This is when you return to your Source and completely renew your mind, body and spirit. In fact, the goal of mankind is to transcend the body and mind and open up conscious awareness of the 'Delta' state.

Besides the spiritual drawbacks, even occasional sleeping problems can make daily life miserable and unproductive. You will obviously suffer from loss of concentration and memory. Your ability to function in the 'Beta' state or the left side of the brain is seriously impaired. Your relationships take a hammering. Generally your ability to lead a normal life is diminished.

What are the causes?

Stress plays a number one role in poor sleeping habits. The triggers include personal or business problems, financial issues and emotional and traumatic situations. When the negative stimulus has abated, the sleep pattern should return to normal. The consumption of alcohol and beverages containing caffeine in the afternoon or evening or exercising close to bedtime can influence a person and leave them over stimulated. Intense mental activity will have the same effect.

The real problem

Insomnia is basically a bad habit. It is a symptom of any of the above-mentioned sleep 'thieves'. At such times it is obvious that the sleep pattern will be disturbed. The real problem sets in when the person causes the disturbed sleep pattern to continue long after the disturbing factor has cleared up. At this point it becomes a bad habit. It is very difficult to break this habit and one's own will only exacerbates the problem. We resolve to try harder to sleep at night. Unfortunately this determined effort often makes one more alert, setting off a new round of worried thoughts. There is a law of the mind that states that,

"You will always get what you want
and you will always get what you don't want."

Insomnia cure through Hypnosis

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